8 Tips on Editing Travel Photos [Infographic]
Travelling is as much about destressing and having fun as it is an important part of our self growth. Life is an adventure and travel photos are proof…
Travelling is as much about destressing and having fun as it is an important part of our self growth. Life is an adventure and travel photos are proof…
You know how they say lightning never strikes twice on the same place? Well, "they" lied. Lightning can strike the same spot or area many times – in…
We take our ability to see for granted, on a daily basis, and yet colors play such crucial roles in our every decision-making process. But we’re not…
The purpose of art is to make the comfortable uncomfortable, and the uncomfortable comfortable – We challenge concepts that we are used to, yet find…
We are fans of geeky cakes. It is a great way for the birthday boy or girl to show the world what they live for, where their source to passion in life…
The usual company annual report is a word-filled extravaganza of jargon, terms, figures and text. If beautiful report designs were the norm, maybe mor…
Kids always amaze me with their brutally honest opinions, their no-nonsense approach to what’s black or white with little to no care for what falls …
As baby boomers take up retirement and leave voids in senior positions in organizations to be filled, the Gen-X, Gen-Y and Gen-Z put themselves up on …
Construction hoardings are large boards that are built for a temporary period of time to shield renovations that are happening behind the hoarding. Th…
What do you do when you’ve had a bad day at work? Do you complain to a friend, vent online or meditate? Instead of taking the usual routes, Derrick …
The Earth is a beautiful place; the Universe, spectacular. Nothing could make whatever problems and worries you have, seem, and feel less significant …
There are thousands of cosmetic brands and natural beauty products available on the market these days. Customers are spoiled for choice when it comes …