20 iPhone Apps to Keep Your Health in Check
As the tech savvy community that we are, we spend most of our time working in front of our computers and mobile devices. As a result, we often let our health take the back seat, never really finding the time to go to the gym or a fitness class and more often than not choosing fast food over much healthier options.
This is especially true for workaholic freelancers who sometimes work longer hours than their office-bound counterparts. The good news is if all you need is some help with record-keeping or to keep track of your progress, you can actually find iOS apps that can help you do that.
Here are 30 iPhone health-related apps that will help you stay fit and healthy.
Get the correct lessons and instructiosn to tone your problem areas and work those abs with these workout apps.
Workout Trainer
Developer: Skimble | Available for: iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
Workout Trainer provides many different routines (with step-by-step audio) for weight loss, yoga or weightlifting. If you’re undecided, try Shakerciser, all while staying connected with the fitness community. [Free]

Vitogo Fitness: Personal Trainer
Developer: Ultimate Online | Available for: iPhone
Vitogo is your virtual personal trainer who coaches and gives you a customized workout program that evolves with your progress. Other than tracking exercise data, Vitogo also provides weekly overviews of your workout and serves as a timer for rest periods between exercises to keep you on track. [$0.99]

Daily Ab Workout
Developer: Daily Workout Apps, LLC | Available for: iPhone and iPad
Daily Ab Workout is a simple, straightforward app that features three brief daily ab routines and video demonstrations to help you exercise from the comforts of your own home. Tone your abs and train your way to pure fitness by exercising regularly and in the right ways. [$0.99]

Nike Training Club
Developer: Nike, Inc | Available for: iPhone and Apple Watch.
Nike Training Club is your very own personal trainer. With detailed instructions and audio support for all 130 featured dynamic drills designed to build your strength and train your stamina, you can also track details of your training progress and workout history with the app. [Free]

Daily runners or those who aspire to become a regular jogger can use any of these apps to help them map out their running routes, track their personal mileage and keep track of goals.
MapMyRUN GPS Running
Developer: Under Armour, Inc. | Available for: iPhone and Apple Watch.
MapMyRUN is an awesome app fit for every runner: it tracks and logs your distance and pace, can calculate calories and even your nutrition intake. Discover new running routes with the app’s built-in map. [Free]

Nike+ Running
Developer: Nike, Inc | Available for: iPhone and Apple Watch.
Nike+ Running lets you map your runs easily from trail to treadmill as well as record your running distance, time and pace to help track your progress. Even better, you can run while listening to your favorite tunes with PowerSongs. Need more motivation? Then broadcast your route to Facebook when you start a run or share your route maps with fellow runners. [Free]

Watch your Calorie Intake
Not only should you exercise, but you should also watch what you eat, or at least let these apps help you keep track of your food intake. There are apps to help scan your food labels for hidden information, track the amount of nutrients you’ve swallowed and find healthy recipes for you to try out.
Developer: MyNetDiary Inc. | Available for: iPhone and Apple Watch.
Another calorie counter with built-in barcode scanner which analyzes food labels and food scores, this app provides a daily analysis of what choices you can make to eat more healthily. This app also tracks your water intake, and allow exercise calorie entry. It also features over 500 exercises for you to follow. [Free]

Developer: Fooducate, Ltd. | Available for: iPhone.
Fooducate helps you eat healthier by scanning barcodes of products and providing a nutrition grade instantly, ranging from A to D. You can read unbiased information of a product, such as the controversy behind food coloring and make better, educated choices for your food intake. To help Fooducate, you can also submit products for analysis and write your own review. [Free]

Calorie Tracker
Developer: livestrong.com | Available for: iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
Livestrong.com’s Calorie Tracker helps you reach your fitness goals by tracking your daily calories, fat, carbohydrate and protein intake, and exercise. It also lets you access MyPlate to calculate your nutrition intake. Calorie Tracker’s community will keep you motivated and disciplined enough to stick to your goals with daily reminders. [Free]

Lose It!
Developer: FitNow | Available for: iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
Lose it! lets you track your food intake with a convenient barcode scanner. You can also setup customized recipes for more complicated food, and share custom recipes and exercise routines with friends. It also acknowledges your reached milestones by awarding you badges, and will remind you when you forget to log your meals. [Free]
Weight Watchers Mobile
Developer: Weight Watchers International, Inc. | Available for: iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
Weight Watchers help you make smarter food choices with featured heathier recipes, shopping lists and interactive Cheat Sheets. You can also read health news, exercise info, success stories and weight-loss tips, all from the app. [Free]

Healthy Diet & Grocery Food Scanner
Developer: YottaMark, Inc. | Available for: iPhone
Like its name suggest, this app helps you eat healthier by scanning food label barcodes to know which foods match your diet needs. It can also help you avoid certain ingredients such as trans fat and sugar. It’s also a handy app for the those with food allergies like an intolerance for lactose or gluten. [Free]

General Body Checks
Developer: MacroPinch Ltd. | Available for: iPhone and iPad
Measure your heart rate with Cardiograph. It calculates your heart rate by scanning the arterial changes on your fingertips to let you know how fast your heart is beating. It can then generate a report of your heart rate , let you keep notes and also track multiple profiles. Reports for each individual can be easily exported and printed with AirPrint. [Free]

Instant Heart Rate
Developer: Azumio Inc. | Available for: iPhone.
Instant Heart Rate lets you measure your heart rate and display it on-screen. Just place the tip of your index finger on your phone’s camera for it to detect your pulse, and you will be able to get your heart rate. [Free]

Developer: Unitron Hearing Limited | Available for: iPhone
If you’re worried about your hearing, then take this hearing loss screening test from UHear to check if your hearing is within normal range. There are three tests available: Hearing Sensitivity, Speech in Noise and Questionnaire. [Free]

Glucose Buddy
Developer: Azumio Inc. | Available for: iPhone
Glucose Buddy is a handy logbook for diabetic patients to store their glucose numbers, insulin dosage, monitor carbohydrate consumption and activities to manage their weight and blood pressure. Glucose Buddy can also integrate with CalorieTrack to track food consumption and exercise. [Free]

Sleep Cycle alarm clock
Developer: Sleep Cycle AB | Available for: iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock is a smart alarm which analyzes your sleeping patterns and wakes you up in your lightest sleep phase. The app even provides detailed sleep graphs, where you can see which days of the week you sleep best, and read notes on what affects your sleep quality. [$0.99]

Period Tracker Lite
Developer: GP Apps | Available for: iPhone and Apple Watch.
Period Tracker keeps track of your past menstrual cycles to help you predict the date of your next period. You can also easily view future period dates, ovulation and fertile days to plan for events like a wedding, travel or even to start a family. [Free]

Symptom Checker
Developer: HealthTap | Available for: iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
Get fast and reliable answers to your health questions, for free. Get multiple answers from more than one specialist regarding anything from symptoms to medications, share your health scans with doctors securely and directly, schedule an appointment and save your time by skipping the queue. [Free]

Web MD
Developer: WebMD | Available for: iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch
WebMD provides useful health information anytime, anywhere even without an Internet conncetion. Its comprehensive key features include Symptom Checker, Conditions, Drugs and Treatments, Pill Identification Tool, First Aid Essentials and Local Health Listings. [Free]

Pill Identifier
Developer: Drugs.com | Available for: iPhone and iPad
This one is to help you check your medications. With more than 10,000 Rx/OTC medications, Pill Identifier helps you identify that pills without labels, by searching through imprint, drug name, pill shape and color. You can also learn more from the description, strength and Rx/OTC availability. [$0.99]