20+ Wix Keyboard Shortcuts

Wix is a renowned website builder that allows users to create professional-looking websites without any programming knowledge. It’s an ideal solution for both beginners and seasoned developers, boasting intuitive drag-and-drop tools, stunning templates, and advanced features for those keen on further customization.

While the platform is exceptionally user-friendly, navigating its extensive range of functionalities can occasionally feel overwhelming. This is where Wix shortcuts prove invaluable.

Wix keyboard shortcuts

In this post, we’ll delve into the handy shortcut keys of Wix, enhancing your experience and making website creation even smoother.

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Action Windows Mac
Cut content Control + X Command + X
Copy content Control + C Command + C
Paste content Control + V Command + V
Duplicate content Control + D Command + D
Delete an element Backspace
Move backward Control + Command +
Move forward Control + Command +
Send to back Control + Shift + Command + Shift +
Bring to front Control + Shift + Command + Shift +
Move by 1 pixel ←, , →,
Move by 10 pixels Shift + or
Undo action Control + Z Command + Z
Redo action Control + Y Command + Y
Select the next element Control + Shift + M Command + Shift + M
Select the previous element Control + M Command + M
Select an element directly Control + click element Command + click element
Select multiple elements Shift + click element
Rotate element in 15° increments Hold Shift while rotating element
Keep element aligned Hold Shift while dragging element
Save content Control + S Command + S
Preview content Control + P Command + P
Toggle Editor controls visibility Shift + F
Switch views Control + J
Toggle rulers’ visibility Shift + R
Duplicate and drag Alt + Drag Option + Drag
Toggle autosave Control + Alt + A Command + Option + A
Cancel action Escape during Drag, Resize, or Rotate

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