How to Use the ‘touch’ Command in Linux

Get hands-on with the Linux touch command for smarter file management and automation.

The touch Linux command is useful for users who need to create, modify, or update file timestamps. Essentially, the command allows you to “touch” a file, creating it if it doesn’t exist, or updating the access and modification times if it does. It’s a simple yet powerful command that plays a vital role in file management.

While the touch command is unique in its functionality, it often works in conjunction with commands like ls for listing files and chmod for changing permissions. Professionals such as system administrators, developers, and data analysts find this command handy for various tasks like scripting, file organization, and automation.

How to Use touch

1. Creating a New Empty File

Syntax: touch filename

Explanation: Creates a new empty file named “filename.”

Example: touch newfile.txt

The command creates a new empty file named newfile.txt.

2. Updating the Timestamp of an Existing File

Syntax: touch existingfile

Explanation: Updates the access and modification timestamps of existingfile to the current time.

Example: touch myfile.txt

The command updates the timestamps of myfile.txt.

3. Creating Multiple Empty Files

Syntax: touch file1 file2 file3

Explanation: Creates multiple new empty files.

Example: touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

The command creates three new empty files named file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt.

4. Using a Specific Timestamp

Syntax: touch -t TIMESTAMP filename

Explanation: Sets the access and modification timestamps of filename to a specific time.

Example: touch -t 202201011200 myfile.txt

The command sets the timestamps of myfile.txt to 12:00 on January 1, 2022

5. Creating a File with a Specific Date

Syntax: touch -d DATE_STRING filename

Explanation: Sets the access and modification timestamps of filename to a specific date and time.

Example: touch -d '1 Jan 2022 12:00' myfile.txt

The command sets the timestamps of myfile.txt to 12:00 on January 1, 2022.

6. Creating a File without Changing Timestamps if It Exists

Syntax: touch -c filename

Explanation: Creates filename if it does not exist, but does not change timestamps if it does.

Example: touch -c existingfile.txt

If existingfile.txt does not exist, the command creates it. If it does exist, the command does nothing.

7. Creating a File with a Reference File’s Timestamps

Syntax: touch -r REF_FILE filename

Explanation: Sets the access and modification timestamps of “filename” to match those of a reference file “REF_FILE.”

Example: touch -r reference.txt myfile.txt

The command sets the timestamps of myfile.txt” to match those of reference.txt.

8. Creating a File and Suppressing Error Messages

Syntax: touch -f filename

Explanation: Creates filename and suppresses most error messages.

Example: touch -f myfile.txt

The command creates myfile.txt and suppresses most error messages.

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