Logo Parodies With Slogans That Say What You Think
“If you’ve spent much time on the Internet, you’ll have noticed that netizens possess a quirky sense of humor. We enjoy poking fun at large corporations and rehashing jokes in an effort to find kindred spirits. We laugh at photos taken from awkward angles and subscribe to humorous X (formerlly Twitter) pages for a good chuckle. Even 404 error pages can be cool and creative. After all, this is the Internet.
Here are 10 parodies of famous brand logos that reflect what people actually think of them. If you recognize all of them, congratulations, you’re an Internet addict, just like the rest of us! For more honest slogans – revealing what people truly think – check out the site.”
Vintage Advertisement of Modern Technology
Vintage design is always described as outdated, old looking design with most updated products like Facebook or Nintendo... Read more
$2000 Facebook machines.

Just try using another search engine.

Connect with people for no reason at all.

Don’t read the comments.

When there’s no coke.

Because you have to.

Barnes & Noble
Stay inside and it’s a library.

Mask bad photos with filters.

The bane of your foot’s existence.