Macro Photography, Vol. 1 – Remarkable Bits of Life
The joy of being a photographer is being able to capture life in a single image. Our eyes skim very briefly on facets of life, but sometimes we fail to notice the intricacies that make the wonders of this world so remarkable.
Simple things like looking at a bee settle onto a flower or looking at the rainbow spectrum in an insect’s eye, or even taking just a closer look at the human eye: the window to the soul. We walk around, not taking a moment to just enjoy these little bits of life.
Here we have collected a number of macro shots that hope to inspire and remind us of the little things that can just make you feel in awe. Have a great weekend ahead :-)
Macro Photography, Vol. 2
Insect photography is challenging under the best circumstances. Think about it: you're taking photos of something that is... Read more
Animals, Insects/Bugs
A detailed view of Zoology and the tiny creatures we see every day.
#1 @Gustav Persson

#2 @Opo Terser

#3 @Michael Shpuntov

#4 @Vladimer Shioshvili

#5 @Coder

#6 @Alan M

#7 @tywak break

#8 @alphacygni


#10 @Marcus Wallinder

#11 @Charles Lam

#12 @Kristoffer Jonsson

#13 @Glynn m

#14 @Ricardo Rico

#15 @Lord V

#16 @Marcus Wallinder

#17 @Michael Shpuntov

#18 @Michael Shpuntov

Human & Nature
Taking a closer look at the beauty of Mother Nature and the Facets of Human Life
#19 @Sugargrl14

#20 @Fabalina

#21 @dini25

#22 @OzureFlame

#23 @my-shots

#24 @HD

#25 @ForbiddenSorrow

#26 @ViaMoi

#27 @v1ctory_1s_m1ne

#28 @cynicalsunshine

#29 @Michael Shpuntov

#30 @ninazdesign
Here are some Amazing detailed close ups by Joakin Kraemer. You can view more his works here.

Objects and Food Shots
One need never “Object” to viewing or receiving “Food”.
#31 @Corey DiNardo

#32 @midamida

#33 @Andrea G

#34 @Frans Persoon

#35 @Michael Shpuntov

#36 @Michael Shpuntov

#37 @Mike Golding