70+ Photoshop Blunders That Makes You Facepalm, Vol. 3
The celebrities you see sprawled across the pages of glamorous magazines and on tabloid papers give us unrealistic expectations of how the body of a woman or man should look like. The pictures of course have a secret ingredient: Photoshop.
The problem is sometimes Photoshop sucks the reality out of a shoot, and you get misplaced limbs, elongated necks, minute waists, and sometimes "warped space" around the subject.
Here are 72 of the worst Photoshop mistakes ever found on magazines and advertisements and posters. For more Photoshop mistakes, check out:
Photoshop Mistakes in Magazines & Ads, Vol. 1
Photoshop Mistakes in Magazines & Ads, Vol. 1
We love Photoshop because it is one of the most useful photo-editing applications for both web and print... Read more
Is her head even attached?

When you focus on just one arm at the gym.

Who is holding the girl in red’s waist?

There are three women here and only 5 legs.

Where are Kim and Kanye’s reflections?

Leave it to Photoshop to distort the space continuum here on Earth.

The diet "secret" of celebrities.

Kiera looks awesome on her own but they still had to make alterations.

Isn’t her waist a little too slim to be human sized?

Apparently, Kylie has feet she can tuck away for a photoshoot.

… while Kirsten has limbs she can tuck away.

Where they are going, do they need to powder up that much?

Warp the walkway! Seriously, check out the floor carpet pattern.

Sometimes it’s the thighs that become the center of attention.

Everyone wants to be Barbie in real life.

They might have chipped off too much from her thighs.

Eminem’s face got the Ken doll treatment. Don’t think he likes it.

Fergie’s thighs get an extreme makeover.

Some people take that thigh gap challenge too seriously.

Even Paris Hilton prefer taking the Photoshop route for a waistline.

The rails are curving from the irony.

Her tattoo got cropped, in the same magazine.

The model on the right got an extension on her neck.

Her fingers are far too long to be human.

Poor thing has a hand growing from the back of her head.

Michelle’s head got far too much of the Photoshop "goodness".

Zahara has a twin we don’t know of?

Is the Barbie treatment an automatic Photoshop action designers overuse?

Jessica must be having a terrible time contorting her body and hand for this shoot.

The more hands, the merrier?

Which American Idol finalist has too many fingers? This one!

Ghostly hand on the left shoulder. Freaky.

Someone messed up her right shoulder and tried terribly to cover it up.

The aprtment is so big, it spans across two suns!

Reflections tell a different story.

Apart from the lame car door shadow, the designer also forgot which direction the sun was shining from.

Three arms are always better than two , I suppose.

Yikes, Mandy’s got an extreme hair parting treatment right there.

You have to wonder if anyone actually bought tickets to this match.

Can someone explain why this girl only has an elbow?

Run! Evil baby strikes from behind.

I’ve heard of dance contortions but this is getting ridiculous.

Oh no, you didn’t.

Smile for the camera.

How does this ad compel anyone to buy their product, we may never know.

If that is yoga, no one wants to do yoga.

Ouch, that must have hurt.

Worst crop job ever?

With equipment like this, no one is going to exercise.

This is all kinds of weird.

Not only is it humanly impossible to be carryign that many bags, but her forearm is uncomfortably long.

Ok, before I buy this, let me see if I have anymore of these detachable thumbs lying around.

Does that coke cup look plastered in?

Her waist is missing.

Not sure who this is, but she isn’t Kerry Washington.

There is no way that a neck can be that long without health concerns.

A fatal error has occurred near the waiste region.

How is that girl in the back standing upright with no feet?

Guess she has some feet issues to take care of.

The guy lost half his body trying to take this shot.

One of her legs is missing and even the text can’t hide it.

That can’t be right.

Now that’s something you don’t see everyday.

Unimaginably long legs sell dresses designed for inducing nightmares.

There is something unnatural about her leg(s).

Let’s curve everything.

Yeah, something is definitely wrong with this model’s legs.

… and this model’s missing feet.