Firefox 54 Could Very Well be Mozilla’s Best Browser
There was a time when Mozilla’s Firefox browser was the browser of choice for those who refused to use Internet Explorer. Unfortunately for Mozilla, the browser has been playing second fiddle to Google Chrome since 2011.
Now, the company is looking to regain the throne that Google took from it with the release of Firefox 54, and if the company is to be believed, the latest version of Firefox would be Mozilla’s finest yet.
Read Also: How to Optimize Firefox for Better Performance
The key to Firefox 54’s superiority lies in its speed. After years of relying on a single process to run all the tabs in a single browser, Mozilla has finally decided to adopt the "multiple process" technology that browsers like Chrome, Edge, Safari and many others have been using.
Codenamed Electrolysis or E10s, this technology will allow Firefox 54 to use up to four processes to run web page content across all open tabs. In practice, this would allow Firefox 54 to run faster while crashing less frequently.

In addition to better performance, Firefox 54 also has the honor of being the browser that consumes the least amount of RAM when compared to a number of other browsers running on Windows 10, macOS and Linux. This particular bit of info would be good news to those who have aging machines.

Besides the major performance boost, Firefox 54 will also be introducing some minor changes to the browser’s features. A full list of changes can be found here.