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60 Beautiful Christmas Cards

One might mistake the holiday season as a time for shopping, gifting, and taking breaks. However, it’s also a time of the year when we tie up loose …

How to Choose a Color For Your Website

Your website’s color scheme is a vital UI element that ensures positive visual appeal leading to a good user experience. You may not realize but a l…

25 Awesome Christmas Projects Hidden in CodePen

CodePen is an online playground for talented front-end developers, a place where you can always find cool projects to widen your horizons, and see wha…

40 Creative DIY Christmas Trees

There are plenty of things that you add to a home to make it more festive for the holidays. Wreaths and the right decor can really help in bringing th…

20 Free Christmas Symbol Fonts

Christmas is a season of joy, celebration, and, of course, creativity. To help you get into the festive spirit, we’ve put together a list of 20 free…

20 Free Christmas Card Templates to Download

When you’re creating Christmas-specific designs, you’ll find a lot of websites that offer Christmas resources like fonts, icons and vectors. Howev…

Beautiful Christmas Mobile Wallpapers

Christmas is a season of festivities and decorations. When we decorate our houses and workplaces with Christmas theme, then why should your phone be a…

40 Christmas Gift Wrapping Tutorials

We all want our gifts for our loved ones to be unique, but often we forget that anticipation is also important! The next time you gift someone, don’…

20 Random and Fun Christmas Android Apps

Christmas is just around the corner and I’m sure you’ll be invited or planning for some parties, and if you’re going to a party with young kids …

60 Christmas Icon Sets, Vol. 2

It’s near Christmas and the start of a new year. Naturally, you might be thinking about sprucing up the site design to welcome this cheery festival.…

Top Marketing Trends to Embrace in 2022

The digital marketing landscape is very dynamic and is known to have been evolving rapidly. The COVID-19 restrictions and new privacy regulations made…

Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas

If you are one of those people to whom presentation matters more than the gift itself, then you would go for personalized gift wrapping. With all the …
