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Design Mobile-Responsive Email Templates With HEML

If you search the web you’ll undoubtedly find free email templates to use for a newsletter. But for most websites it’s smarter to build your own. …

10 Free Virtual Assistants For Android

Virtual Assistants program understands your conversation, replies to you, and carries out many daily tasks for you like sending mail, making a search,…

Bulk Select & Delete > 100 Gmail Conversations

If you want to remove certain emails from your Gmail inbox in bulk, you can only delete a maximum of 100 emails/conversations each time, depending on …

10 Apps to Create Cinemagraph

Cinemagraphs create GIF animations with small elements that move while the rest of the picture stays static. Being neither a static picture nor a prop…

21 Chrome Extensions for Google Calendar

If you work on the Web, you will depend a lot on the calender to keep track of project progress, submission deadlines and the likes. For most of us, G…

Music Apps That Work on Both iOS + Android

If you’re an avid music listener and have recently switched from iOS to Android or vice versa, you’ll surely be annoyed about converting to a new …

6 Photo Apps to Fix Facial Imperfections

Love taking selfies but wish you don’t have to fall back on Photoshop so much? Let’s face it, we all want to look good on our profile pictures but…

10 Mobile Apps to Download Social Media Videos

Has it ever happened to you that you found an interesting video on Instagram, Facebook, or Reddit but you’re not able to download and share it with …

10+ Cheap and Good Screen Protectors For Your Smartphone

Smartphones are expensive, but no matter how much you’ve spent on buying them, due to an extensive usage smartphones are quite prone to damage. Even…

60 Cool Home Offices and Workstations Setup, Vol. 4

How much time do you spend in front of your workstation? If you’re anything like most people, it’s a lot. Nearly every aspect of modern life is in…
