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10 Best Free Spy Apps for Android

Are you worried about your loved ones’ safety and well-being? Do you want to keep an eye on your children or employees’ phone activities? Then you…

How to Update Firmware for Trezor One

Whenever there’s a new firmware available for Trezor wallet, you’ll see the message “A new Trezor firmware update is available“, on the top ba…

How to Reset and Recover Your Trezor Wallet

Trezor is a reliable and secure cryptocurrency wallet. However, if, on an unfortunate day, you forget your Trezor pin, the security will cause you to …

Designing For People With Accessibility Needs

The people who use the web are not a homogeneous mass but rather a huge group with incredibly high diversity. Many of them are not native English, or …

Calculating Percentage Margins in CSS

Most web designers think they know CSS pretty well. After all, there isn’t that much to it — a few selector types, a few dozen properties, and som…

How to Upgrade Your Server (Ubuntu)

Ubuntu is one of the most popular operating systems on servers to run websites. Also, VPS providers like DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Linode make it even …

5 Best Portable Gaming Devices

Video gaming has been one of the best and most popular pastimes since ages. There are millions of games and a variety of gaming devices available for …

Upgrading Nikon Camera Firmware

Like any other device, your camera should stay updated with the latest firmware (built-in software that controls the functions of the camera). An upda…

Best iPhone Docks and Charging Stations to Buy

To keep your iPhone charging in a well-managed and safe way, you need a charging dock. It is one of the highly useful phone accessories to help you ch…

The Pursuit Of Happiness (& How To Be Truly Happy)

We are born with the instinct to find meaning and purpose in our lives and this search for emotional well-being and stability in our lives gets more p…
