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10 Text to Speech Applications for You — Best of

Text to speech systems are not unknown — you use it while conversing with Alexa or Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant. Though previously, it was onl…

How to Sync Microsoft Edge Bookmarks with Other Devices

The new Microsoft Edge is getting popular, thanks to its base — Chromium — the open-source project behind a lot of web browsers including Google C…

Awesome Gifts For The Geek Fashionistas

With the holiday season and Christmas coming up, we thought it would be cool to celebrate the geek fashionistas in our lives. All of us know one geek …

40+ Free Christmas Icons to Spruce Up Your Design

It’s near Christmas and the start of a new year. Naturally, you might be thinking about sprucing up the site design to welcome this cheery festival.…

50 Beautiful Macbook Skins to Buy

Macbook is indeed a powerful device, however, it is also quite delicate and prone to scratches and scuff marks that may occur with usage. So to keep y…

50 Creative Christmas Cakes

Cake design has taken on a life of its own with creative wedding cakes and even geek-themed cakes turning heads at many important functions. It’s no…

20 DIY Christmas Decorations Ideas You Should Try

The best thing about Christmas is not the holiday itself, but the preparation for it. Have you noticed that people start preparing for Christmas a mon…

15 Places to Learn Swift Programming Language For Free

If you have been programming with Objective-C, learning Swift would be a breeze as it has inherited a number of syntax that you may already have been …

Web Design: How to Convert CSS to Sass & SCSS

CSS is a really simple and straightforward language, but when it is getting too long – let’s say for a thousand of lines, it turns into a maintena…
