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How to Stay Creative While Working From Home

Working from home is a dream come true for a lot of us. We get to choose our hours, spend more time with family, work in our PJs if we want to, and ca…

30+ Cool Bike Gadgets For Avid Cyclists

There’s no doubt about it: cycling is in! Whether for commuting, recreation or sport, it seems that just about everyone is riding some sort of bicyc…

10 Cool Fitness Gadgets For Health Junkies

While the idea of using your smartphone and health apps to monitor your workouts and vital signs are not new, did you know that there are gadgets that…

Best Free 3D Modeling Software

3D-modeling tools are instrumental in transforming individual concepts into stunning models and prototypes across various sectors. Whether you’re a …

Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Plugin Development

The WordPress CMS has changed the face of our Internet and allowed a surge of new ideas to prosper, and its open-source movement holds a strong presen…

99 Tech Life Hacks You Should Know

A life hack is a strategy, technique, trick, or shortcut that can help make life easier – by speeding up efficiency, enhancing productivity, and som…

Five Best Smart Watches You Can Buy

When it comes to smart wearables, smartwatches win the game in terms of usability and aesthetics. It’s easy to carry a smartwatch on you all the tim…

How to Rekindle Your Passion for Work

According to a study conducted by Gallup, only 13%, or one-eighth of employees across 142 countries are engaged at work. This means if you are reading…

10 Cheap and Affordable 3D Printers to Buy

There was a time when 3D printers were a novelty – but not anymore. You see hundreds of businesses using 3D printers in their manufacturing. Similar…

Beginners Guide to Starting Your Own Podcast

Starting a podcast has become more accessible than ever, with tools available to record and produce audio clips with ease. It’s no wonder that so ma…
