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Macro Photography, Vol. 2

Insect photography is challenging under the best circumstances. Think about it: you’re taking photos of something that is likely smaller than your l…

Winning Life Battles: 15 Lessons from The Art of War

“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu is widely regarded by many as not only a “bible” for the battlefield but also a great source of lessons for life i…

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Online Sales Revenue

Have you ever seen your analytics reports and noticed that your store isn’t making enough money? How did that feel? It must have felt pretty bad. In…

How to Install and Run Android on PC

If you love Android on mobile devices, you’re going to adore Android on a PC. Maybe you look forward to multitasking on Android, i.e., running multi…

Create Animation in CSS Easily with Animate.css

CSS has improved with many features which make web development much more interesting and challenging. One of these features is CSS3 animation effects.…

20 Impressive Murals You Have Got to See

Street artists look at the world like a blank canvas, waiting for them to inject beauty into the streets and walls. Thanks to the talented hands of ar…

CSS Floats Explained in Five Questions

CSS "Floats" (floating elements) are simple to use but once used, the effect it has on the elements around it sometimes get unpredictable. If you have…

20 Facebook Messenger Tips and Tricks

Facebook is the most popular social media app in the world and its messaging app the Facebook Messenger is not too far behind. Almost everyone who use…

30 Funny Remake of Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)

It can come when we least expect it, when we are happily playing our favorite game and diligently working on the report due tomorrow. Then, all of a s…

14 Opera Flags Tweaks for Better Browsing Experience

Similar to other browsers, Opera browser also comes with experimental features that can enhance your browsing experience. Whether you are looking to s…

Minimalist Desktop Wallpapers (4K)

If you’re a fan of simplicity and minimalism, you would want it to be represented in every aspect of your life, no matter how trivial it is. Your de…
