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30 Funny Remake of Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)

It can come when we least expect it, when we are happily playing our favorite game and diligently working on the report due tomorrow. Then, all of a s…

14 Opera Flags Tweaks for Better Browsing Experience

Similar to other browsers, Opera browser also comes with experimental features that can enhance your browsing experience. Whether you are looking to s…

Minimalist Desktop Wallpapers (4K)

If you’re a fan of simplicity and minimalism, you would want it to be represented in every aspect of your life, no matter how trivial it is. Your de…

What to Do When Good Hosts Go Bad

Years ago, when I started blogging, we set up our sites and picked a host that was affordable while meeting all of our needs at the time. This worked …

How to Set Up IKEA’s FYRTUR For Your Smart Home

IKEA never ceases to amaze us when it comes to making innovative and highly useful products. One such amazing product that I’m in love with lately i…

How to Stream Truncated Audio Using MediaSource API

With the MediaSource API, you can generate and configure media streams right in the browser. It allows you to perform a variety of operations on media…

Learn How CSS Grid Properties Work With

If you keep up with web design tech then you should know about CSS grids. These properties are new additions to the CSS3 format and they’re quickly …

30 Cool Street Art Around The World

Art has been changing its appeal to the man on the street. You no longer have to visit museums and art galleries to get a taste of contemporary art. Y…

30 Impressive Graffiti and Wall Paintings

Wall paintings have existed since the earliest history of humanity. Pictorial text on cave walls and the pillars of ancient civilizations eventually m…

Practical Tips to Cure a Creative Block

Working as a freelance designer, writer, video editor is hard. There’s usually no support — it’s a lonely road. The most annoying thing about do…
