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Alarm Clocks to Wake Up Creatively

We certainly love to sleep — to some of us, sleep is a luxury; to others, it may even be a hobby or a favorite pastime. A common problem for almost …

20 Inspiring Quotes That Will Change Your Life

There are days when everything feels difficult. Nothing works. Whatever can go wrong, does. Extraordinarily. Your worse nightmares come to life in bro…

Discover J Desenhos’ Mind-Blowing 3D Artwork

João A. Carvalho aka J Desenhos owns a community Facebook page called Nas linhas do caderno, which translates to "The Lines Notebook" (thanks Google …

35 Unusual WiFi Names You Don’t Often See

The answer to most of your WiFi problems lies in a cool WiFi router, however, one of the most interesting part is naming the Wifi router. It’s so ob…

40+ Free Icon Sets You Should Have in Your Bookmarks

Discover the ultimate list of free icon sets to bookmark for your next design project. Elevate your designs with high-quality icons.

Why Business Plans Don’t Work For Entrepreneurs

Every great entrepreneur is, at heart, a man of action. In his mind, he sees himself to be like Superman or Iron Man, making him pretty blind to your …

10 Chat Tools for Better Team Communication

When building ideas together in a team environment you need reliable means of communication. All members of the team share their ideas while keeping e…

Designing Empty State Pages for Websites & Mobile Apps

Empty state pages are lesser-known design elements with a significant role in user experience. In its simplest form, empty states are page layouts see…

10 Best Alternatives For Google AdSense

Google AdSense — most probably — is the first name that pops up in anyone’s mind when one is ready to introduce advertisements on one’s blog o…

How to Create Bootable USB Stick for macOS Catalina

As a mac user, there may come a time when you’d want to reinstall macOS on your computer- say something goes wrong with your machine or you just wan…
