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How to Become A Better Writer

I was previously part of a group of freelance writers who were convinced that they were special. In the group are content writers like me who make a l…

Useful Resources Designers Should Try in 2020

What designers and developers should start doing in 2020? It seems like a simple question with a simple answer. As we have all seen, our lives are muc…

A Guide to Owning Code Top Level Domains (CcTLD)

Never heard about the Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) before? While you may not know the name, your eyes have witnessed a lot of them, for examp…

A look Into: The Kit Language

Let’s say you were building prototypes for a website with HTML files. You have about 10 HTML pages or so, and these pages share some common componen…

Easily Identify Fonts From Slogans with WhatFontIs

Nike has a super history about which I highly recommend you to find out more. It is inspiring for everyone, but particularly for people looking to wor…

How to Customize Windows Startup Sound

In a previous post, I highlighted some ways with which you can manage the startup programs in Windows. But did you know that you can customize Windows…

40 Things You Didn’t Know Have Names

Did you know that the “sleeping 8” symbol you know as the infinity symbol is a lemniscate? It isn’t an important piece of information, but to me…

Typograph 101: Serif vs. Sans-Serif

At the stage of selecting fonts, a designer often asks himself, “to Serif or Sans-Serif”? Choosing the kind of typeface to use in a design is of u…

What These Designers Carry Inside Their Bags

Designers and artists are pretty fashionable folks, as you may know. They like to get creative from the clothes they wear to how they organize their d…

Valentine's Day Mobile Wallpapers

Valentine’s Day brings a special mood of celebration. It’s not just for lovers or couples, the day is for celebrating love for everyone. People fi…

Man to Machine: How to Reboot Your Humanity

Computer technology is everywhere, in multiple formats, under different patents, most calling for the same outcome behavior – use. Unfortunately, c…
