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Design Freebies for Chinese New Year

Chinese new year – celebrated by more than 20% of the world – is a wonderful time of the year that brings with it a gamut of festivities, traditio…

Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculptures, Vol. 2

Over time, people have been using ordinary things revolving around us to create something unusual out of it and for example a very basic material such…

Creating Animated Favicon with JavaScript

Favicons are a crucial part of online branding, they give a visual cue to users, and help them distinguish your site from others. Although most favico…

How to Customize Windows Context Menu

Windows context menu refers to the menu that appears with right-click in a Windows PC, and a regular Windows user gets in touch with it on daily basis…

Create Dynamic Profile Photos In Mockups

When you’re designing a mockup, you want to focus on the interface first and less on the aesthetics. The same holds true for wireframing and coding …

Create Gmail logo with CSS3

A while ago I showed you how to create RSS feed logo with CSS3. I figured it’d be fun creating something a little bit more complex. In today’s pos…

8 Ways to Launch A Startup

These are great times to work as a freelancer. The freelancing industry is catching on like wildfire, with more and more money being poured into the m…

Amazing Bird Sculptures Made of Papers

Diana Beltrán Herrera loves to seek the relationship between animal and nature with her down-to-earth tools – her hands and paper. Her enthusiasm h…

10 Things You Could Set Out to Do This Year

We have just welcomed the new year with fireworks and greetings. So like every year, one of the first thoughts is about making certain plans for the n…

Live Test Fonts On Browser With Font Dragr

The font used on the website affects to the reading experience of the users which is why web designers often spend a lot of their time finding good fo…

10 Things to Quit Doing in 2020

Read the word “quit” and I’m almost certain you’re already imagining me telling you to leave it all behind, to start anew, to forget the past …
