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An Introduction to Headless CMS

A headless CMS is a content management system (CMS) that’s separated from the front-end. In other words, it’s a CMS that provides only content thr…

Tips to Write Fast and Professionally

So what do you do when you’re pressed for time, swamped underworks and you still need to get some stuff written, and written well? Your nerves are t…

20 "Coming Soon" Templates to Download

Your website’s ‘coming soon’ page can tell a lot about your upcoming product or service. There are so many ways to make an enticing coming soon …

5 Best Apps to Shop Smarter in 2020

If you’ve not yet completed shopping gifts for your friends and loved ones, keep reading! While you’re looking for gift ideas and planning to shop…

5 Best Mozilla Firefox Privacy-focused Add-ons

If you’re a privacy enthusiast, you might be using one of the best open-source web browsers: Mozilla Firefox. Even if you don’t care about online …

45 Creative Forced-Perspective Photos

Forced perspective photography is used make us, the viewers believe that certain objects are smaller or larger than they really are. It’s the manipu…

Send Emails to Any Mobile Number With This Chrome Extension

Afraid of having your urgent email being lost in the recipient’s email account? Why not send it directly to the recipient’s phone number instead. …

Automate Your Grid Design Process with GridGuide

The first major step of any website design is picking a grid. This typically defines the maximum width of the page along with how many internal column…

How to Become an Interaction Designer

The growing field of interaction design encompasses everything from mobile apps to websites, and even video games. The skillset is in high demand but …
