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How to Improve Writing Quality with Data Storytelling

Since the earliest days of humanity, people have told stories to each other in different forms. Storytelling has serious traditions in every culture. …

15 Smart Devices For Better Health And Fitness

There’s a wide variety of factors involved in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes, this makes it quite hard to identify whether or not you’…

Display Text on Image With CSS3 mix-blend-mode

Image backgrounds look great behind large display texts. However, its CSS implementation is not that straightforward. We can use the background-clip: …

Collage Photoshop Tutorials

If you loved making collages with scissors, glue, mom’s magazines and dad’s subscriptions when you were growing up, there is no reason to stop now…

You Sure You Want to Be a Freelance Designer?

Are you getting sick of the daily grind of commercial creativity – having to be creative on command for a client with a specific idea in mind? I kno…

Best Portfolio Builders For Designers in 2019

Building a personal online portfolio is an excellent way to showcase your products, projects, or services. You can do it in a way that will impress cl…

10 Must-have Nikon Z-Series Accessories

The Z6II and Z7II models are so far the best full-frame mirrorless cameras by Nikon. In terms of specs and performance, they are at par, if not better…

Enable Split-view in macOS

Split View is one of the cool features you’ll find in newer versions of macOS. It allows you to split your screen into two halves to view two differ…

CSS3 Linear Gradients

Gradient is a great color feature addition in CSS3. Rather than only add a single color, we can now add multiple color combinations in one declaration…

Adding Magnifying Effect to Website

There are plenty of free zooming plugins that work incredibly well. However, most of these are built for images and they specify directions for image-…

Self-Organization Lessons You Can Learn from German Students

I have been living in Germany for five years and I have interacted with people from almost all walks of life. When I came here for a Masters program, …

Cheatsheets & Infographics For Software Developers

If you are just embarking on a journey to learn a programming language or would just like to find some cheats that would make debugging a tad bit easi…
