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CSS Scroll Snap Points

The CSS Scroll Snap Module is a web standard that gives us some control over scrolling on a web page so that we can make users scroll to certain parts…

iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Max Prices in Malaysia

It’s the time of the year when Apple releases a new product and this time it’s iPhone 11. With the launch of three different models – iPhone 11,…

iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max Prices in Singapore

The guessing game has finally ended as Apple launched three new models of its new iPhone at the company’s fall 2019 event – iPhone 11, 11 Pro and …

Smart Trackers for Pet Owners

Having rambunctious pets that like to roam around a lot can drive pet owners crazy. If you have a dog who likes to catch squirrels across the street o…

50 Portmanteaus Words You Don't Know

Don’t know what a portmanteau is? If you have heard of the words brunch, blog and pixel, then yes, you know portmanteaus (just not what they are). P…

Register Custom Taxonomy For WordPress Users

The Custom Taxonomy feature has been introduced since WordPress 2.9. It allows you to create custom groups for Post, Page as well as Custom Post Types…

Nginx Rules to Harden WordPress Security

WordPress is, to this date, the most popular CMS with over 30% market share of the web. With such an amount of market share, WordPress often becomes a…

Awesome T-Shirts For Geeks

A showcase of creative and witty geek t-shirts with different moods, that you can buy online.

Securing Your Computer from Identity Thieves

Identity theft is a nightmare everyone could experience. It can affect individuals, businesses and even government agencies that run their services on…

Predict Cursor Movements With Javascript

You can do some really cool things with JavaScript and open source code makes the work even easier. Premonish is one of the coolest libraries I’ve s…
