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What You Discover After Finishing Design School

I went to design school, and if you did as well, you may be wondering if you made the right decision, especially when the bills start piling up and th…

10 Tips to Secure Wordpress Site

If you are running a WordPress-powered website, its security should be your primary concern. In most cases, WordPress blogs are compromised because th…

How to Turn Criticism Into Inspiration

As creatives, criticism is part and parcel of our careers. Yet, because of our artistic sensitivity, we can often be the least prepared to deal with i…

Building Creative Websites Can Be Easy. Here’s How

Web designers, ready for some good news? We have some for you, and it involves designing creative websites. The ever-expanding global market is creati…

10 Plugins to Harden WordPress Security

You created a website on WordPress, selected a reliable hosting for it, and added a beautiful theme. However, like all other aspects, security of your…

60+ Most Wanted WordPress Tricks and Hacks (Updated)

Have you ever came across a WordPress blog, saw something you liked, and thought; how they did that, is that a plugin or hack? where can I get those c…

15 wp-config Snippets to Configure WordPress Site

WordPress admin makes it easy to manage configurations without touching a line of code. These basic configuration settings are then stored in the wp-o…

Revolutionize Designing Workflow with These 45 Web Tool

The internet is crowded, literally, with tens of thousands of web tools. Every moment a new web tool or service is launched, even as we speak. How are…
