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5 Best E-book Readers & Managers

Some of the best e-book readers along with their positive and negative features.

8 Types of Email Titles That Often Get Ignored

When an e-mail pops up in your inbox, what do you usually do with it? Do you open it, ignore it, or shoot it straight into the “Trash” bin? It dep…

5 Ways to Gather Ideas That Will Impress For Designers

More and more designers are turning to blogging to get their ideas about design out there and be heard by the greater design community online. However…

18 Instagram Accounts for Food Lovers

Food photography is not just about taking photos of the new dish at the restaurant, it is a branch of professional photography that has high commercia…

Using HTML & With Shadow DOM

Speed up your HTML templates with the slow tag and Shadow DOM. Learn how to optimize your website for faster loading times.

Must-Have WordPress Tools That Will Make Your Day

Every web designer knows there’s always room for improvement, and any of the WordPress tools and services described in this article could easily tak…

Optimizing Images for Websites (Ultimate Guide)

When it comes to website performance, image optimization plays a key role. Large, unoptimized images can slow down load times, hurting user experience…

Large Background Images in Web Design: Tips and Examples

In this article I want to put together a few solid techniques for building big, oversized background images. This may be accomplished through basic CS…
