7 Classroom Management Apps for Tech Savvy Teachers
For teachers, the calling to make a difference in a student’s life is strong. But for many, the workload and burden overwhelms their ability to deli…
For teachers, the calling to make a difference in a student’s life is strong. But for many, the workload and burden overwhelms their ability to deli…
We have always been able to view a whole webpage in fullscreen mode. To do so, you can hit F11 key in Windows, while in OS X you can hit Shift + Comma…
Anime – a word that’s used to describe animations that originate from Japan, is one of the most popular types of comic art that has a huge fandom.…
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to view a city from a bird’s perspective, you can always fly in a helicopter or have a look through …
Shorthand and Longhand – one is concise and the other precise. One came to existence out of the want for brevity, while the other stands firm to pre…
Space is vast, both in terms of area and as a great source of inspiration. There are space themed websites merchandise, apparel, movies, music and eve…
From aerial beach pictures to marine life photography, seas and oceans have always been a source of inspiration for artists and photographers. However…
Every time there is a new iOS release, I look for a new Apple wallpaper to go with the updated features. Or sometimes my inner Apple aficionado awaken…
It’s time again for us to share fresh resources with our fellow web developers. Our collection in this round involves multiple types of tools from s…
When it comes to designing a restaurant website, there are some things that you should put your mind to. For instance, why would people visit any rest…
When I was studying, all I needed was a notepad and a pen to keep track of all my assignments. This method was valid and dependable… until the schoo…
Some of us like coffee, others are crazy about tea. We are fans of both, and more so of the wacky and cool designs tea infusers come in these days. Th…