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10 Early Technologies That Shaped Today's World

Have you ever reminisced about the technology you used as a child or teenager? It’s amazing how excited we were back then with electronics like the …

How to Enhance & Retouch an Image [Photoshop Tutorial]

Sometimes we have a precious moment in our lives captured in the wrong way. This is where Photoshop is used to fix this problem — to enhance and ret…

15 Useful CSS Tricks You Might Have Overlooked

If you have been a frontend web developer for a while, there is a high chance that you have had a moment when you were trying to find out how to code …

The Most Beautiful Apple Stores in The World

When it was first announced, the idea of Apple having its own retail store was not received well by many quarters – here’s a commentary by Bloombe…

How to Access Windows On-Screen Keyboard (OSK)

There’s a myriad of different physical keyboards for PCs available in the market. However, Windows also comes with a built-in virtual keyboard calle…

Flowers Desktop Wallpapers

The urban lifestyle is everywhere. Those who don’t have it, want it; and those who have it would rather die than give it up. Surrounded by people’…

80 Creative Design Portfolios

In the vast universe of design, inspiration is key, and one of the best places to source this is from the portfolios of fellow creatives. Welcome to o…

Beautiful Photos of Memorable Places in Greece

Greece is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It was one of the first places civilization took hold in Europe and is, therefore, the bir…

How to Give Someone Constructive Criticism

The Internet has brainwashed us into believing that we can grow old but don’t have to grow up – but you know you have to, eventually; the bills do…

Creative 4D Artworks That Invade Reality

A creative mind can do anything, and from anything it means that they can create a breathtaking real-looking image with their pen. That sort of creati…
