Showcase of Beautiful Geometric Artworks
Are you tired of the flashy graphics that flood the internet? If you’re seeking inspiration from simpler forms of art, you’re in the right place. …
Are you tired of the flashy graphics that flood the internet? If you’re seeking inspiration from simpler forms of art, you’re in the right place. …
“If you’ve spent much time on the Internet, you’ll have noticed that netizens possess a quirky sense of humor. We enjoy poking fun at large corp…
Nabhan Abdullatif possesses the ability to draw people towards his artwork, because he has the best puns on Earth and best of all, he carries out his …
Web browsers are our doorways to the internet. Even though they are vital and have been around for a while, their development has been slow. Yet, feat…
Synchronous and asynchronous are confusing concepts in JavaScript, especially for beginners. Two or more things are synchronous when they happen at th…
It’s not hard to find free iconsets on the web. However, it is tough to find iconsets that are consistently updated. The Standart icons are a totall…
A detailed list of feature and customization options for Gboard to make it work best for you.
If you are stuck in a situation where Windows stops you from accessing your own data, then I may be able to help you turn the tide. There could be mul…
The free tool lets anyone convert their existing images into optimized JPEG files without any software. You simply upload your images and the …
You can find plenty of pure CSS modals but these don’t offer the same control as JavaScript. With a JavaScript modal, you can add custom animations,…
If you need to make flexible elements that auto-fill their containers I would highly recommend Scalable. This free open-source JS script is perfect fo…
Enabling clients to manage their websites in their native languages is crucial for better accessibility. If you develop a WordPress site for users fro…