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Logo Parodies With Slogans That Say What You Think

“If you’ve spent much time on the Internet, you’ll have noticed that netizens possess a quirky sense of humor. We enjoy poking fun at large corp…

10 Native Features Every Browser Should Have

Web browsers are our doorways to the internet. Even though they are vital and have been around for a while, their development has been slow. Yet, feat…

How to Access Restricted Folders in Windows

If you are stuck in a situation where Windows stops you from accessing your own data, then I may be able to help you turn the tide. There could be mul…

Minify & Optimize JPG Images Online with

The free tool lets anyone convert their existing images into optimized JPEG files without any software. You simply upload your images and the …

10 Free JavaScript Modal Window Plugins

You can find plenty of pure CSS modals but these don’t offer the same control as JavaScript. With a JavaScript modal, you can add custom animations,…

Create Auto-Resizing Elements with Scalable.js

If you need to make flexible elements that auto-fill their containers I would highly recommend Scalable. This free open-source JS script is perfect fo…

20 Minimalist Portfolio Designs For Your Inspiration

If you have a passion for white space and love sharp, clean design, the minimalist style would probably be right up your alley. In minimalist design, …
