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10 Apps to Record Android Screen Activity

Whether you want to record your Android screen for your YouTube channel or just to record some steps to recall later, there are HD screen recording ap…

How to Install Chrome on a Different Drive in Windows

My PC has a small hard drive, so I have only allocated 25GB of space to the C drive (system drive) and store all my data in other drives. Everything w…

Cheatsheets Wallpapers for Web Designers and Developers

Cheatsheets are a good way to quickly access some useful piece of information when you don’t want to go into details. From programming commands to P…

How to See Shortened URLs Without Opening Them

If you ever come across a link in email or on a website, always hover your mouse cursor over it to see the destination URL at the bottom of the browse…

40 Excellent Mini Icon Sets

When you go on a quest of finding icons for your designs, you may end up with different kinds of icons, some muti-purpose icons others highly niche-sp…

View & Share Coding Screencasts with Scrimba

Free YouTube videos offer plenty of tutorials on web development for beginners. But screencasts have become even more popular since you can quickly re…

ColorHexa is Your Ultimate Color Encyclopedia

Color is one of the most important features of any interface. Picking a great color scheme is tough but as you work with colors more you’ll pick up …

How to Promote Your YouTube Channel (With Zero Budget)

You may be producing awesome video content and running a great YouTube channel, but if you don’t go an extra mile to promote it, gaining new subscri…
