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Three Ways to Create HTML Documents on the Fly

Creating HTML documents on the fly, with or without JavaScript, is sometimes necessary. Whether the goal is to display an acknowledgment page or an if…

35 Times Honesty Didn’t Save The Day (Photos)

Honesty’s the best policy, we’re told time and time again when we were kids, by the same adults who bluff at cards, tell white lies, bend the trut…

How to Transfer Contacts from Android to PC

Recently, I had to move my Android phone’s contacts to my PC to use them in some desktop apps. To my surprise, there is no one-click method to do th…

Auto-Generate Beautiful Color Palettes with Ambiance

Note: Ambiance is no longer available. Whether you’re a UI/UX designer or a digital artist, you should know that color is crucial to the final produ…

How to Stay Stress Free in a Stressful Line of Work

Most companies are looking to hire a team of people who can work with grace under pressure, work in a fast-paced environment, a self-starter, a team p…

How to Fix High Pings in Online Multiplayer Games

For over two years I have played League of Legends with over 300ms ping. However, I finally decided to fix this unbearable ping and stop acting like a…

Wired UI – The Best Free Bootstrap 4 UI Kit

With the rising popularity of Bootstrap 4, it’s no surprise that developers are jumping over each other to publish their own plugins & add-ons. The …

Managing and Promoting Your Online Courses

E-learning market has shown a humungous growth in the past 5 years. From college students and stay-at-home moms to retirees and even regular company e…

CSS Starter Kit for Developers – Shoelace.css

Frontend developers need all the best resources they can get. Usually, this means working on top of a framework such as Bootstrap because it comes pac…
