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VIM Shortcut Keyboard Cover Every Programmer Will Dig

If you’re a programmer, chances are good that you’ve heard of Vim, an impressively powerful text editor that is notorious for being extremely comp…

How to Drive Recurring E-Commerce Sales

I often see businesses more concerned about getting new customers instead of retaining the existing ones. But, do you know that it costs five times as…

jQuery Plugin to Create Smarter Responsive Navigation Menu

Every modern site needs a responsive layout and a usable navigation. That’s a given. But, hamburger menus can only go so far and they radically chan…

Firefox Send – This File Will Self Destruct After Download

Sharing your files online is rather risky these days due to the fact that hackers are capable of stealing or duplicating said files without anyone kno…

Free jQuery Image Galleries & Sliders – Best Of

Image galleries and sliders are among the most popular use cases of jQuery. They allow you to present the right amount of visual information to your v…

10 Travel Gadgets That’ll Give You Peace of Mind

Traveling is great, but a single incident can turn it into a nightmare. Whether it’s getting robbed, pickpocketed, or losing your valuables, your fu…

How to Create a RSS Reader App in JavaScript

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a standardized format used by online publishers to syndicate their content to other websites and services. An RSS d…
