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Download Websites Offline on Chrome for Android: 2 New Methods

Back in December 2016, Google rolled out the ability to download webpages for offline viewing for Chrome for Android via the Chrome 55 update. Now, Go…

10 Awesome Notebooks You Can Buy

Digital note-taking apps don’t work for everyone when it comes to organizing your daily routine. For some people too many beeps, alerts and notifica…

Upload Photos to Instagram from Browser

Posting a photo on your Instagram account using your mobile device will no longer require the Instagram app to be installed on the said device. How yo…

Google I/O 2017 – What to Expect

From May 17th to May 19th, Google will be holding its annual I/O event at the Shoreline Amphitheatre at Mountain View, California. As is tradition, th…

8 Tech Inventions That (Kind of) Useless

It’s one thing to know that a tomato is a fruit, and another to put it in a fruit salad. Although, the human race has achieved some of the most amaz…

Explore & Share Research Data with Datazar

The amount of data on the Internet is staggering and it seems to grow larger every year. This leads to new industries, such as big data, using analyti…

Discover Latest Conversations on Facebook: New Feature

Anyone who has ever used any social network service would probably be well aware of the echo chamber phenomena whereby like-minded individuals would c…

Gmail for Android to Get Anti-Phishing Check

Shortly after being hit by a surprisingly well made phishing attack, Google has begun rolling out some new security measures specifically for Gmail fo…
