Add-Ons Are Coming to Gmail in 2017
Note: This post was first published on the Mar 14, 2017. Gmail is about to get a lot more flexible as Google has announced that "Add-ons" will be roll…
Note: This post was first published on the Mar 14, 2017. Gmail is about to get a lot more flexible as Google has announced that "Add-ons" will be roll…
There’s a big push to make the web a more CSS-friendly place. For years, images were always the solution to browser hacks from repeating backgrounds…
All of us have a particular habit that we’re not proud of. For some, it could be smoking; for others, it could be alcohol. While quitting your bad h…
Like newsletter signup forms, mobile apps these days are inundated with login forms asking for data input at different stages. From online shopping an…
Not every project needs a big framework. Both Foundation and Bootstrap are fantastic widely-supported frontend frameworks. Sometimes a web project jus…
WordPress has just gotten a whole lot more flexible as the content management system now has an open-source Google Docs add-on. Available on the Googl…
Firefox users are in for a treat as the latest version of Mozilla’s web browser has gotten a new build in the form of Firefox 52. As with every othe…
Do you pronounce Huawei as hua-way or hua-wei instead of wah-way, then you are one of those who are actually pronouncing this tech word incorrectly. I…
Getting dragged into a conversation while you’re working can be particularly annoying. This gets worse when the people that are having the conversat…
Quite recently, Dropbox decided to rename its Dropbox Pro option to "Dropbox Plus". While the change in name probably would not affect those who are n…
Once upon a time, in a land before social networking sites like Facebook, there were things called forums and newsgroups. Users like you and me hide b…
Move over Bootstrap cause there’s a new CSS framework in town. It’s called Vital and it strips frontend development down to the bare essentials. V…