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Dynamic Truncated Text with Shave.js Plugin

Most WordPress blogs use the "read more" feature to show preview text from a post. This text is truncated and cut off at a certain point to save space…

Protect Your Router from DNSChanger Malware

Malware that targets computers are rather common but malware that targets routers are a completely different thing. Researchers from the security firm…

5 Best Free WordPress Testimonials Plugins

Testimonials are a great way to communicate potential clients that people have already bought your product and had good experience using it. It encour…

Print Web & Mobile UI Templates With Sketchsheets

The best way to plan a new mobile UI is with rough wireframe sketching. You can quickly put down ideas onto paper and compare different ideas side-by-…

New Instagram Stories Features: Stickers and Hands-Free Camera

With Christmas being right around the corner, Instagram Stories is getting into the spirit of giving as the service is including stickers and a hands-…

Bulma: The Ultimate Flexbox CSS Framework

Flexbox is a hot topic for frontend developers since it offers a modern approach to CSS alignments. Most website layouts rely on CSS floats or fixed p…

How to Bookmark Instagram Posts

Instagram has been releasing new features on a roll lately, and here’s yet another pleasant update: bookmarking posts. Available on Instagram versio…

Listen to any country’s radio station with Radio Garden

If you are tired of local stations and are scouting for a change, you will like Radio Garden as it hosts a large number of radio stations from across …
