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How to Create a Cut-out Border Design with CSS

With a cut-out border design we can show to users what can be found underneath the border area of an HTML element. This task is typically solved by st…

Google Adopts HTML5 Support, Ending Flash Era

Adobe’s Flash Player is yet another step closer to its grave as Google is making a shift to HTML5 by Default for its Chrome browser. Within the next…

Travel cheap with ride-sharing services using Google Maps

Ride-sharing services such as Uber, Lyft, Grab, Ola and the others have certainly revolutionized the way we commute. It’s cheaper, faster, more conv…

10 E-Commerce UX Tips to Optimize Filtered Navigation

Filtered navigation is a popular website feature that these days is routinely used on e-Commerce sites. It serves the purpose of helping customers fin…

Bluetooth 5 – What’s new

This week, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) decided to officially adopt Bluetooth 5 as the latest version of the Bluetooth core specificatio…

Download and View Websites Offline with Chrome for Android

Google releases version 55 of Chrome for Android today where its feature has long been requested by user base – The selection to download media and …

Turn Off Commenting in Instagram

There’s nothing like a place where you can share your journey or thoughts freely on social media. Practically speaking, it’s not an easy task for …

How to Create Citations with Google’s G Suite Auto-Generator

Who here enjoy inserting citations into paper works? The process is tedious and is just not for the scatter brain. Well, not doing so may lead to plag…

Join Facebook’s Fight Against Misleading News Language

Following the reveal of Collections, Facebook’s next step in combating fake news is to have its user base assist in the policing of news stories. To…

What’s new in Android Nougat 7.1.1

Pixel and Nexus users take note, Google has released the Android Nougat 7.1.1 update. Comes with it are new emojis as well as two new quality-of-life …

6 Ways to do Keyword Research Like a Pro

Keyword research is perhaps the oldest trick among all SEO best practices. Well, it should be, because these small pieces of information give you the …
