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40 Terrifying Halloween Costumes to Haunt Your Night

Halloween is right around the corner and everyone’s either going as Harley Quinn and The Joker or scrambling to figure out what alternatives they ca…

How to Create a Datalist That’s Instantly Searchable

Dropdown lists are a neat way for providing options for an input field, particularly when the list of options available are long. A user can choose th…

9 Sites to Create Your Own Magazine Cover

If you’ve ever wanted to put your face on a magazine cover, you could do so with Photoshop, but you’d need skills of course. Then again, why go th…

20 Web Design Industry Terms for the Clueless Client

In the web design industry, we use many insider terms. This doesn’t only make it hard to get started for newcomers, particularly clients who are not…

40+ Creative and Beautiful Credit Card Designs

Credit cards are one of the best financial tools you have at your disposal, if used correctly. It is also one of the best way to express yourself – …

How to Add Custom Code Snippets to Atom

It’s not a coincidence that Atom, the source code editor created by Github is popular in the web development community. It’s not only easily exten…

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies You Should Know

Cryptocurrency, or digital currency, is an invention of the Internet. Basically, someone out there thought, "hey, what if we can create a system where…

How to Create a Simple Phone Number Picker

Phone numbers, besides names and emails, are the most frequently used contact information in online forms. Phone number fields are usually designed in…

How to Toughen Up WordPress Login Security

No matter the size of your website, losing your site data or not being able to access your own website can be a nerve-wracking experience. WordPress, …
