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Responsive Headers & Logos – Tips and Pitfalls

The concept of responsive web design has permeated the web, and become a staple for frontend developers. There’s no denying the value of responsive …

20+ Pokemon GO Tips & Tricks to Become a Pokemaster

With Pokefever in the air all around the world, it’s easier to come across a wild Pokemon than to meet a person who isn’t playing this addictive g…

Create a Fan-Out with Bounce Effect Using CSS3 Animation

Did you know that geometric transformations added to HTML elements with the transformCSS property such as scale, skew, and rotate can be animated? The…

Boost CTR and Conversions with Google Rich Cards

Google Rich cards was launched on 17th of May 2016 through a new markup format which is capable of displaying content (movies and recipes as of now) i…

Fixing Common Pokemon Go Problems: FAQs & Solutions

Troubleshooting common problems and questions in Pokémon Go. Find fixes to improve your gameplay experience. Get the most out of your Pokémon Go adv…

39 Free Web Services & Tools to Monitor Website Downtime

An online portal of your business brings traffic, and the last thing we want is for the site to go down for whatever reason. Various factors could lea…

Top Cross-Platform Desktop App Frameworks & Tools

Cross-platform software development is the need of the hour because of increasing demand for cost-efficient and short-timeline software projects. Such…
