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Achieving Consistent Web Design with Normalize.css

Browser compatibility is crucial for web accessibility. Developers must consider the variety of audience devices and browser versions that require sup…

10 Conversion Services For Designers and Developers

If you are a typical web designer, you naturally leave the coding to someone else, either because you have no choice, or you do not have the time or e…

20 Free Must-Have Photoshop Actions for Designers

Automated scripts save time and improve workflow in all creative fields. Adobe products like Photoshop offer scripts called actions that automate a pr…

20 Cool Gifts That’ll Make Kids Go Bonkers

From computers to interactive digital toys, kids are getting acquainted with technology from an increasingly young age. These toys are becoming sophis…

Unconventional Japanese Website Design and Why It Works

Japan, home to gorgeous aesthetics and the forerunner of minimalism; from fashion to architecture, they seem to have it all figured out. I am particul…

40 Stunning Illustrated Websites for Inspiration

Illustrations add character and liveliness to your site. Colors, caricatures and creativity translated into bold illustrations can change a user’s i…

20 New Tech Words You Should Know

Hashtag. Podcast. Emoji. Streaming. A few years ago, these terms did not exist. In fact, they weren’t even real words. But now they are a part of ou…

Create Surreal Staircase Illusion: Photo Manipulation Tutorial

In my previous tutorial, I showed you how to make a car fly. In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a looping staircase tower. It has a surreal, dream-…

20 Things The Internet Killed [Infographic]

The Internet has been a major game-changer. It changed the way we communicate, the way we share information, the way we act under the blanket of anony…

12 Plugins to Speed Up Your WordPress Website

Everyone loves a fast-loading website (that includes you and your readers, too), so of course, you already know that website loading speeds affect use…
