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20 Wireframe Designs for A Minimalistic Lifestyle

If you’re not sure what wireframe products are, imagine a regular box with a special design: you get only the frames, no sides, tops or bottoms. The…

DevTools Showdown: Edge’s F12 vs Firefox vs Chrome

The Developer Tools of Microsoft Edge, the new default browser of Windows 10 got a modern design and a few new features compared to its predecessor, I…

30 Catastrophic Design Fails

Designers do not get enough love from the people they work with. Sometimes they make it look so easy that you’d go, “Hey, I can do that too.” Th…

8 Tips on Editing Travel Photos [Infographic]

Travelling is as much about destressing and having fun as it is an important part of our self growth. Life is an adventure and travel photos are proof…

30 Striking Lightning Photos

You know how they say lightning never strikes twice on the same place? Well, "they" lied. Lightning can strike the same spot or area many times – in…

10 PHP Frameworks For Developers – Best of

PHP, known as the most popular server-side scripting language in the world, has evolved a lot since the first inline code snippets appeared in static …

20 Social Experiment Videos You Should Watch

Social experiments are a great way to have a broader understanding of how humans think and act. What used to be a limited activity conducted mostly by…

10 Ways To Boost Your Confidence [Infographic]

Are you not a confident person? Do you have problems expressing yourself when you are in a group discussion. Do you doubt the decisions you make and h…

20 Inspiring Websites with Unique Geometry Elements

Although, the argument that most internet users today are always “on-the-go” and are more concerned with getting things done in the fastest and ea…
