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45 Creative Wedding Cakes

We are fans of geeky cakes. It is a great way for the birthday boy or girl to show the world what they live for, where their source to passion in life…

Best Mobile Apps for Sensory Impairment [Infographic]

Despite the way we misuse technology, one of its purpose is to help us improve our way of life. This includes users who may have a physical disability…

20 WordPress Plugins to Optimize Category and Tags

With the “Category” and “Tag” in WordPress, you can organize contents in relation to one another. These are straightforward features that user…

How to Auto-Highlight Text Upon User Click

Some pieces of content on websites are meant to be copied by the users, such as a URL address, an automatically generated API key, or a few lines of c…

How to Tackle The After-Effects of Mobilegeddon

Has your site managed to survive the recent Mobilegeddon? If you haven’t even heard about it, don’t panic – after all, you are still alive. Mobi…

PHP 7: 10 Things You Need to Know

Discover the benefits and improvements of PHP7 for your web development projects. Upgrade your skills and stay ahead of the game.

A Guide to: Performing Cohort Analysis with Google Analytics

You can’t control and manage what you can’t measure. Thankfully, Google Analytics’ reports are your perfect knowledge mechanism for measuring, p…

Beautiful Annual Report Designs

The usual company annual report is a word-filled extravaganza of jargon, terms, figures and text. If beautiful report designs were the norm, maybe mor…

How to Force Quit Mac Apps

Mac OS X is a great operating system. It’s stable but it isn’t perfect. Once in a while, the application you are working on may freeze (or hang). …
