9 Lessons I Learned From Building My First App
In the summer of 2014, I decided to build a game. I love history and knowledge so I decided that the game was to be trivia. I started building a site …
In the summer of 2014, I decided to build a game. I love history and knowledge so I decided that the game was to be trivia. I started building a site …
Whether we admit it or not, we have a serious fixation with trying to create machines that can think for themselves – machines imbued with artificia…
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is officially supported by all main web browsers, including Internet Explorer. The support spans into a wide variety of…
Marriage, for many, still is one of the most important events of their lives. So it is not surprising that many couples will put a lot of time, effort…
CSS Pre-processors have now become a staple in web development. They enhance plain CSS with programming features such as Variables, Functions or Mixin…
How well do you know your batteries? Yes, batteries. It’s only the thing that keeps some of your most favorite gadgets powered – your smartphone, …
It may seem to be an easy task but adding well-behaving social sharing buttons to a WordPress site can be a hassle. When I say well-behaving I mean si…
The changed interface known as Modern UI, the decision to discard the “Start” menu and numerous other gaffes and blunders in Windows 8 has earned …
Have you tried Atom? Although it is quite new, many have fallen in love with Atom, a text editor made by GitHub that allows you to manage GitHub proje…
Games have taken the world of entertainment by storm. What used to be a pastime for geeks and nerds in the early 90’s has now surpassed Hollywood mo…
Web developers are blessed with free tools and resources found online, which we dutifully collect in our Fresh Resources series every month. If you mi…
Imagine this scenario: Rita, a magazine writer, is editing an article online. She saves her changes and sees the message “Changes saved!” Just the…