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8 Things You Should Know About Android M

Android M, the next generation of Android has been announced (albeit no word on what M will be yet). Google recently showcased the Developer Preview o…

How Facebook Uses Your Data

Lump Facebook and privacy together in the same sentence and you have cause for a mighty heated discussion. It’s no secret that Facebook takes certai…

10 Pocket-Sized Yet Powerful Mini Computers

Our daily activities are so powered by our computers and mobile devices that it was only a matter of time before mini PCs came to be. Like their much …

10 Projects Showing Google Has The Future Figured Out

Have a question? Ask Google. You can say that Google is the best search engine out there and no one would even argue with you. But Google isn’t just…

Behind the Signatures of Tech’s 25 Biggest Names

Ever wonder how much you can tell from someone’s handwriting or signature? Whether a signature is of a full name, a nickname, just the initials or a…

10+ Voice-Controlled Gadgets You Can Buy Now

As modern technologies become more intuitive, manufacturers create devices that can be activated and controlled by touch, specific gestures, and even …

Display Date and Time: How to Do It Right

We come across them dates and time… well, every day. When it comes to the Web, you can spot them in your mobile apps, in emails, in your messaging a…

Solving Google Fonts Accessibility Issues in China

Google’s APIs, including jQuery and Web Fonts, are renowned for their speed and reliability, thanks to Google’s robust infrastructure. These resou…

50 Beautiful Astrophotography Photos

The Earth is a beautiful place; the Universe, spectacular. Nothing could make whatever problems and worries you have, seem, and feel less significant …
