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How to Animate SVGs with CSS

<animate> and <animateMotion> are native elements for animating SVGs, but if you’re more comfortable with CSS, you can use CSS Animation…

Internet’s Most Hated Innovations [Infographic]

The Internet giveth and the Internet taketh away. The modern world is no stranger to major innovations making its mark and ruling the world before bei…

Eco-Friendly Packaging Design, Vol. 1

There are thousands of cosmetic brands and natural beauty products available on the market these days. Customers are spoiled for choice when it comes …

20 Apple Watch Tips and Tricks (Most-Wanted)

Have a question on how to do something on your new Apple Watch? Seeing as how this is the first generation of the Apple Watch, you probably have many …

14 Multi-Purpose WordPress Themes to Check Out

We consider the multipurpose WordPress Themes presented here to be among the very best on the market today. Many of them are fairly well established, …

Freebie: Infographic Banner Elements

If you love to create infographics, then you might have come across our previously published ultimate infographic resource kits for designers post. Th…

5 Creative Wedding Invitation Card Ideas

Spring is creeping up on us and with April showers come May flowers – and weddings. Odds are you might know someone who was recently engaged. After …

Showcase of Cool Hipster Business Card Designs

A business card serves a simple purpose: it bears your name, the name of your company or product, and contact details should the client want to get in…

Build High Quality Landing Pages With Qards

Qards is a WordPress plugin, produced by Designmodo, which allows you to edit existing pages or produce new pages precisely the way you intended.

Create Self-Hosted Dribbble Portfolio with Dribbbox

Dribbble is a popular website to in the design sphere where you can share your WIP projects, designs, mockups, and even freebies. In return you will g…

10 Smart Features Your Smartwatch Should Be Capable Of

So there is a treasure trove of Apple Watch reviews making the rounds right about now. While reading them, you can’t get away from the idea that qui…

How Chrome Won The War of The Browsers [Infographic]

According to StatCounter, Chrome still reigns supreme as the crowd favorite browser of choice, ahead of IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera and other browsers.…
