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How To Make Your Content Hard to Replicate

Did you know that the Internet has approximately 3.3 billion indexed pages at the moment–and counting? That translates to a mind-boggling 33 billion…

Top 10 Free Windows 8.1 Security Apps You Should Get

Windows 8.1 might have enhanced its built-in security features compared to its predecessors, but you might still need third-party apps that are optimi…

10 Most Asked Questions About Linux

You have probably heard of Linux as the free alternative to Windows and OS X. It’s one of the most popular free PC operating systems out there and c…

5 Things Your Brand Must Have Besides A Logo

Lots of people, many designers included, think a “brand” is just a nice looking logo. Wrong. So, so wrong, designers. A brand is about a lot more …

15 Examples of How Technology Innovates Fashion

It was the great Coco Chanel who once said, “Fashion changes, but style endures.” Well, regardless of your thoughts on the matter, there’s anoth…

How To Best Manage Your Direct Report

Today, we’re going to have a little crash course in creative direction. After you’ve been designing for a while, you may find yourself in charge o…

8 Things You Didn’t Know Are Making You Less Productive

The regular remedy to uplift moods for higher motivation and productivity is getting enough sleep, exercising and spending time with loved ones. This …

10 Good Habits to Develop an Innovative Mind

If I could sum it all up, creativity is really about being able to see associations when others couldn’t. Being innovative, on the other hand, is ab…

How to Transform Wikipedia Pages into Ebooks

If you’re like me, you probably love binge-reading Wikipedia, everyone’s favorite web encyclopedia. It has an extensive database of content on alm…

Extraordinary 3D Beach Art by Jamie Harkins

There’s nothing quite like going to the beach to soak up the sun and the sand. There are plenty of people who use sand as a medium to create stunnin…

Top 10 Video Apps for Windows Phone

The video apps nowadays, offer you a lot more than just recording and basic editing. Latest video apps have been equipped with visual effect presents,…
