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Realistic Paper Art by Fideli Sundqvist

There are plenty of artists out there working with all sorts of materials. From recycled junk to colorful small Lego pieces, there are a variety of op…

Blogging Advice: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Ever had this experience where, after reading a bunch of blogging advice on the Internet, you just stare blankly at your computer screen and say: “H…

Managing Pinterest Pins And Boards For Business

Pinterest has been rolling out new features recently which changes the way things are done on the image-sharing site. This makes it a platform to cons…

How to Get Your Readers to Market Your Content

For all its conceptual highs, digital marketing is not all about the expert input. In fact, when it comes down to gaining some extra traffic through G…

Tracking Your Dropbox File Downloads Effectively

Dropbox simplifies sharing files publicly. By creating a public link, users can either download or save files to their own Dropbox accounts. However, …

23 Clever and Funny Use of Emojis

If you’re an active smartphone user, which is pretty much a given these days, then you’re probably pretty familiar with emojis. Although emojis or…

20 Secret Room Ideas You Wanted Since Childhood

There’s nothing quite like being in your own home. But sometimes, when there are others around, you just need to find someplace that you can escape …

Discover the Perfect Color Scheme with ColourCode

Finding the perfect color scheme often involves a lot of manual work and subjective decisions for designers. Luckily, there are tools designed to simp…

5 Brand Engagement Tips For Pinterest

If you think Pinterest is not ideal for business, think again. A few websites predicted that Pinterest may rival Google in search queries thanks to it…

Detecting Ads Blocker with jQuery

For many websites that publish content for free, advertisements (or ads) are one of their primary sources for getting revenue. The revenue from ads wi…

25 Clever Advertisements You Need To See

It seems that we are being bombarded by advertisements, on billboards, on the side of buses and even while waiting for the elevator. But when these ad…
