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Controlling CSS3 Animation with steps() Function

Animation is one of the greatest features introduced to CSS. In the past, web animation was only available in the JavaScript or Flash territory. But, …

10 Most Notorious Hackers Of All Time

When people hear the word ‘hacker’, they usually think of those who are considered black hat hackers. As opposed to white hat hackers, who hack co…

Get Published (Part 1): Finding The Right Site

Having one article published online is rewarding, but having multiple articles published is even more impressive. Interestingly, achieving this often …

20 Tips For VLC Player Users

VLC is probably the most versatile video player you can download due to its amazing ability to play almost any codec you throw at it. This alone makes…

5 Open Source Synthesizers You Can Build And Hack

The whole do-it-yourself (DIY), open source maker electronics scene that’s really gained in popularity over the past few years has led to a lot of r…

20 Inspiring Ideas For Minimal Home Living

The common idea most of us have when it comes to living space is that we are quickly running out of it. Rent and land is expensive in areas of vast op…

18 Creative Uses Of Typography In Video Games

There is an argument as to whether or not video games should be considered an art form. Whatever side you’re on, there is no denying that video game…

20+ Must-Have Apps For Your New Windows Phone

Despite the lack of apps, the Windows Phone Store is steadily expanding its arsenal of great apps on a monthly basis. You can now find a number of off…
