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10 Outstanding Teenage App Developers to Watch

The Internet has changed the way we learn things – it ranges from a simple Google check to learning whole university courses online. More importantl…

How to Restrict Content to Registered WordPress Users

In recent times, most online news and information publication websites have adopted the freemium model whereby readers who aren’t a registered membe…

10 WeChat Tips & Tricks

One of the reasons why people sometimes prefer WeChat over Whatsapp or Viber is that WeChat has some interesting features that some people find conven…

How Amazon’s Fire OS Will Change the Way We Shop

Amazon’s debut smartphone is garnering significant interest, primarily due to its head-tracking feature. The fact that this is Amazon’s first fora…

Facebook Housekeeping: 5 Steps to Clean Up Now

We’ve previously written about the privacy settings you should know and adopt on Facebook, how to better manage your Facebook Wall Feeds, and how to…

Challenges Amazon Faces in Launching Its First Smartphone

Note: This post was first published on the Jun 16, 2014. If the rumors are true, Amazon is set to unveil its very first smartphone on June 18. This de…
