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5 Smart Road Technologies of The Future

Despite the many technological advances made to vehicles, mobile devices, and cars, we see little change to asphalt roads. There are many things we ca…

Simplify Payments with Stripe Checkout for Web and Mobile

If you’re involved in e-commerce and haven’t yet explored Stripe, you’re missing out on one of the easiest ways to receive payments online. Stri…

10 Futuristic Technology That May Come True (Very Soon)

Technology never stands still: it’s always changing, adapting and progressing, and oftentimes things that seemed improbable (or even impossible) one…

Are Advertisers Causing Social Media To Lose Its Luster?

Social media sites, like Facebook and LinkedIn, have become incredibly popular on the internet. It all started with This was the first…

30 Beautiful Recreations of Extinct Animals

Scientists estimate that throughout Earth’s history, at least five major extinctions and countless other “minor” ones have contributed to the ex…

How to Develop a Good Taste in Design

The famous radio monologue by Ira Glass on the New York City public radio show, “This American Life”, encourages young creatives to push through t…
