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The Future of Cinematic Pleasure: 3D Movies and Beyond

3D films have been around longer than most people think. They’ve existed for about a century – since 1915! We’ve seen the growing popularity of …

Planning a Successful Migration From Windows XP

Learn how to migrate from Windows XP to a newer operating system. Keep your computer secure and up-to-date. Follow our step-by-step guide.

Revolutionize Your Banking with 5 Mobile Services

It’s not really a stretch to say that the big banks aren’t keeping up with the curve. Not only do they seem perfectly happy to ignore the needs of…

A/B Test Results and Case Studies for UX Design

The process of split testing is not as complicated as you may think. You contrive a specific goal, such as gaining more visitors onto another sub-page…

Enhance Your Text Animations with Textillate.js

In our previous post, we introduced you to Animate.css, an awesome CSS3 library that simplifies CSS3 animation creation. Now, let’s explore a jQuery…

Building Static Sites with Kit and LESS – Part I

In this post, we are going to walk you through a project. In the project, we will create a static HTML website, and we will be using Kit Language for …
