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Collaborate on Music Online with Ohm Studio

One of the best things about making music on a computer is how you can do everything all by yourself in the comfort of your home studio. But sometimes…

Innovative iPhone 6 Concept Design by Nikola Cirkuvic

This article was published on: Nov 3, 2013. Following the iPhone 5s, the next logical step in Apple’s smartphone lineup is the iPhone 6. However, wh…

Wallpaper - The Coder, The Geek & The Designer

Designers, developers and geeks in general love great ideas and need to exercise their creativity muscle often. Coming up with new ideas can be a sour…

Android 4.4 KitKat – 10 Features You Should Know

After much teasing, Google has finally released the latest version of Android, version 4.4. Known as KitKat, Android 4.4 brings with it a number of im…

How to Rename Your WordPress WP-Content Directory

If you have been working with WordPress, you probably already know that all assets like images, stylesheets, themes, and plugins in WordPress are by d…

How to Remove Bitstrips From Your Facebook Feed

This article is first published on: Oct 30, 2013. Have you been Bitstripped? Bitstrips is the latest fad that is on (or is coming to, hide!) your Face…

14 Most Common Types of Facebook Profile Pictures

Have you ever put much thought into your Facebook profile or do you just slap on the best thing that is happening in your life right now? Other than y…

The Rise of Google [Infographic]

Did you know that Google raked in $50 billion in 2012? It had come a long way from early days, back when it was known as BackRub. Despite using a lot …
