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Eco-Friendly Packaging Design, Vol. 2

Everything you buy from a store would leave some form of waste, particularly the packaging, which we’d throw away the moment its contents are releas…

Book Cover Design Tips & Ideas for Beginners

Learn how to design eye-catching book covers that will grab readers' attention and increase book sales. Tips and tricks from industry professionals.

How to Auto-Compile LESS into CSS

We have discussed LESS CSS a few times in our previous posts. If you have been following our LESS post series, you should know that we have to compile…

A Beginner’s Guide to jQuery Selectors

As you may already know, CSS3 introduced a set of new selectors that allow us to select elements in the document with less HTML class addition. But, t…

Showcase of Beautiful Airline Logo Designs

Flying is associated with travels and adventures in new far-off places. Millions fly for business and leisure across continents on a daily basis, and …

Drag-And-Drop To Create Beautiful Websites With IM Creator

One of the first steps online entrepreneurs would plan to do is to set up a beautiful website and establish web presence. Even if you’re a stay-at-h…

Exploring WebP, The Image Format for the Web

Traditionally, JPEG and PNG have dominated web imagery. However, the advent of high-definition screens has forced web designers to rethink these forma…

Automatic Numbering with CSS Counter

We have covered a lot of cool CSS3 capabilities – from Color Gradients, Transtions, and Animation. Actually, there are also several properties in CS…
