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40+ Cheatsheets and Infographics for Mobile App Developers

There are billions of apps in the market, and hundreds of them are being developed every day. Therefore, mobile app developers are continuously buildi…

Best Sites to Download Free Stock Video Intros & Footage

A creative video intro leaves a lasting first impression on your viewer. If you need examples, do check out Nancy’s 60 Beautiful Examples Of Website…

Beautiful Mobile UI [Showcase]

Designers of mobile interfaces are becoming more prominent in today’s faced-paced web space. While mobile-optimized sites may lighten the burden on …

7 Tips To Better Mobile-Optimized Websites

More and more people get online through their smartphone and tablet these days. So, it is important that we as designers and developers address how ou…

10 Google Calendar Tips to Know

The calendar is a critical organization tool, particularly for freelancers and teams that work remotely. While apps help us cope with distractions or …

Sea And Waves Desktop Wallpapers

It’s a universal fact that looking at sea and waves has a calming effect on your senses. That said, you cannot hit the beach every day before starti…

Why Others’ Success Stories May Not Work for You

We all have read advice from our career heroes on how they achieved massive fame, fortune, and adoration that catapulted them to legendary status. And…

A Look Into: Using CSS Variables

Variables finally come to CSS. Yes, the CSS that we use everyday for styling webpages. We have disccused several times on using variables with CSS Pre…
